It is October, a big month for Scottish PHP, with Scotland's first dedicated PHP Conference taking part on the 29th of the month. Why not get an early taste for PHP talks by coming to a live talk by Scott Pringle at edPUG!
Microservices: How do we build them?
Microservices, the buzzword everyone loves. We've all heard about them, some of us are even building them, but what happens when we try to stitch it all back together?
Come watch with us and discuss over beer and PHPizza, we hope to see you there!
More details:
Attending: jarofgreen and 2 others.
Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month for small talks, watching talks/slideshows and discussing.
Blonde is a full service digital agency with over 70 people in Edinburgh and London. It provides ingenious digital solutions to commercial problems.