Dundee MakerSpace: Monday Maker Meetup [DELETED]

This event has been deleted!

Monday Maker Meetups are our open nights when anyone is able to pop in and see what's going on at Dundee MakerSpace.

If you just want to have a quick blast on a piece of equipment then this is when to do it.

Don't have a project you're working on? Join in with someone else or there's plenty of materials around for you to start something new!

There's plenty of making happening, got something you want to ask a question about or something to show off, bring it along.

Note: For those of you looking for our new location we are at the address below. To find us you head in the main door and into the main area then we are at the end of the first corridor on the right.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: dundeemakerspace.co.uk

Imported From: www.dundeemakerspace.co.uk

More Information

We don't know any more about Dundee MakerSpace.