C++ Edinburgh

Join us at 7pm on 25th July for some C++ goodness (also, pizza and drinks)! The meet-up will be held at Cloudreach (77 Montgomery St). This time, we have two awesome Codeplay-ers doing talks:

- Programming GPUs with SYCL — Gordon Brown, Codeplay
- Stack and Heap: Commonly Abused Terms — Simon Brand, Codeplay

Entry is free. Food and drink will be provided. For more information, please checkout the website or follow us on Twitter (twitter.com) or Google+ (plus.google.com).

Thanks to our sponsors, Codeplay and Toshiba Medical Visualization Systems.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: cppedinburgh.uk

More Information

Attending: sftrabbit

C++ Edinburgh is a meet-up for C++ developers in Edinburgh, Scotland. Join local C++ developers for great talks and some socialising and networking. Everybody's welcome, whether you've never touched a C++ compiler before or you're a metaprogramming genius. If you're interested, please come along to C++ Edinburgh!