SmartSheffield Meetup

SmartSheffield is a regular open grass-roots meetup for people interested in 'smart city' activity & projects in Sheffield, usually on the last Friday of each month.

to (Europe/London time)

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More Information

The SmartSheffield meetup is a free and inclusive open forum and social meeting space for anyone interested in 'smart cities' or urban innovation, and everyone is welcome.

The group is open for anyone to come along, find out what’s going on and contribute - the main aims are to bring people together who share an interest in using technology to improve the city and the lives of its citizens, and to discover, discuss, get involved in and give birth to local smart city projects and initiatives.

We employ Sheffield Digital's Code of Conduct and abide by the standards it lays down.

To get an idea of the kinds of topics we cover, please read about the previous meetups at