Falkirk Linux Users Group Meeting and Members' Talks

This month all the talks are provided by members. There will be a range of lightning talks, five minutes or so, on a wide range of subjects, very few of which will be technical.

We meet in the upstairs room of Sportsters Bar, 8 - 12 Princes Street Falkirk FK1 1LU from 7:30 pm, with the talk scheduled to start about 8. There is no need to get a ticket, just turn up, there should be a FLUG sign on the room door.

Some of us meet in Sportsters, for food, from 18:15. Look for a double table on the raised bit on the left with a fluffy Linux penguin on it.

to (Europe/London time)

We don't know any more about Falkirk Linux Users Group.

There is a room on the first floor, to the left of the bar, where talks are held.

8 - 12 Princes Street