Edinburgh Mobile Dev Meetup: I/O Extended 2016 - Google I/O Keynote Stream

Our event in May takes place at the same time as the Google I/O Keynote so I thought since I'm sure this would interest most of you anyway we might as well turn this into a live stream of the keynote where you can network and discuss the talk with local devs. So come along, grab a chair, enjoy the show and we can discuss it afterwards.

I'll open the doors earlier this time as the Keynote starts at 6pm BST so come along whenever you can and we'll have it streaming.

The event will be hosted at the NN4M office and there will be pizza and beer provided.

The event should be over by around 8.30pm.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

We don't know any more about Edinburgh Mobile Dev Meetup.