Romance is in the air, and with Valentines Day out the way you can focus on your true love - PHP and the web!
We have something for both frontenders and backenders to get excited about, with an in person talk by Brian Douglas and edPUG's very own Stephen Heron.
A pattern library is a collection of design elements that appear multiple times across a site. Some examples of items that might appear in a pattern library are buttons, headings, lists, paragraphs etc.
At this month's edPUG Brian Douglas will discuss pattern libraries in general and then he will show his custom Pattern Library built with Hapi.js.
Following Brian’s talk we will have a second presentation from Stephen Heron which will show how the patterns from a pattern library can in integrated into PHP projects.
As usual, beer and pizza on the night, hope to see you there!
More details:
Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month for small talks, watching talks/slideshows and discussing.
Blonde is a full service digital agency with over 70 people in Edinburgh and London. It provides ingenious digital solutions to commercial problems.