Social Media for Schools

This course is all about using social media to communicate more effectively with parents. Millions of parents (and pupils) use social media every day. At best it can be a very powerful tool. At worst social media can endanger your pupils, your staff and your reputation. In this introduction to the subject we'll examine the growth of social media, explore the pros and cons, help you decide which social media platform is right for your school, consider the pitfalls and child safety issues and look at how you can safeguard your staff. You'll go away with a handbook full tried and tested policies used by other schools - and learn from what other teachers are doing.
8 things you'll learn on this course...
1. The new social media landscape.
2. Is social media right for our school?
3. Which social media platform should we use?
4. Safeguarding staff and pupil safety - policies used by other schools.
5. How leading schools use Twitter to broadcast messages to parents.
6. Best practice when using Facebook.
7. What to do when someone attacks your school on social media.
8. Other tips and tools.

to (Europe/London time)

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