Python Sheffield: micro:bit event

At this month's meeting we are going to be discussing the micro:bit, guided by Nicholas Tollervey (@ntoll).

The Micro Bit project was initiated by the BBC as an endeavour to provide 1 million year 7 students in the UK with a small standard single board computer in order to get the children interested in writing software and building new things. It includes a small python implementation as one of its supported programming languages.

Attendance is free and the event is intended to be suitable for all levels of python experience. This event is likely to be particularly interesting for teachers involved in computer education. Although it is not compulsory, attendees are encouraged to bring along a laptop and a micro usb cable.

Before the meeting, it is traditional for some attendees to meet at StreetFoodChef on Arundel Street for burritos around 17:45. The traditional post-meetup beer will be at the Rutland Arms if there is enough room. Unfortunately, the latter venue is probably unsuitable for children.

Check here or for further updates.

to (Europe/London time)


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Attending: 1 person.

Python Sheffield monthly user group. Open to Pythonistas, occasional Python users and those who wish to learn more about the Python programming language.