Telling the Story of Digital Tech in the North // Sheffield

Tech North invites you to participate in a morning workshop, “Telling the Story of Digital Tech in the North”.

Digital tech in the North would be nothing without the people here, so we want to engage with as many people as we can in the space to help us distil and define a Northern digital tech story that is rooted in the history, culture and business reality of the North, whilst not being limited by it. Our ambition is to create a story that comes from the community, to attract well-deserved global attention to the North.

We will get everyone in the room thinking together about what makes the North a unique place to work in digital tech and how we can build on our rich heritage to continue evolving the story into the future. The workshop is also designed to give you take-away tools to help you tell your own story, of your work and business, as we can only grow our companies when people have a clear understanding of what we offer. It will also be an opportunity to network with people working in this sector from across the North of England.

to (Europe/London time)


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