IOT//EDINBURGH (Internet of Things Meetup)

"Can Smartwatches Deliver on The Hype?"

It is estimated that 210 million smartwatches will be sold, and that sales revenue will reach $13 billion dollars by 2020. A recent poll indicated that around 30% of UK consumers are currently considering buying a smartwatch.

Some of the smartwatches that will be available to check out on the night: Moto 360, LG G Watch R, Sony Smart Watch 2, Sony Smart Watch 3, ASUS ZenWatch, LG Urbane Smartwatch, Pebble, (hoping to get an Apple Watch and the new Pebble Time).

6-7pm Open Forum (smartwatches)

Are you an entrepreneur looking to exploit opportunities within this potentially lucrative sector? Are you planning to purchase a smartwatch but you don't know which one to choose? Do you work for a company that uses wearables in the workplace? Would you like to know more about the different smartwatch operating systems like watchOS, Tizen, Android Wear, Pebble etc? Do you own a smartwatch? If so, come along and share your experiences with the group.

Simon will lead a debate, and would like to hear your opinions. Some of the questions he will be putting to the group will include the following:

What will the smartwatch of the future look like?

What will the "killer app" be?

Although Apple is the undisputed market leader, can other OEMs rival Apple's dominance?

How will we communicate with smartwatches and other wearable devices in future (voice command, text input via touch screen, gesture, mind control)?

7-8pm Speaker: "Superfast text entry on Wearables"

The single greatest hurdle when using wearable devices, especially smartwatches, is slow text entry. While completing his Informatics PhD, specialising in Computational Linguistics at Edinburgh University, Dr Tim Willis focused on building an algorithm for expanding abbreviated input into full text. Today Tim is a world authority in word prediction, text entry, and autocorrection, and has developed an app that is capable of hugely boosting text entry speed on small screen devices.

8pm Networking Drinks and smartwatch demos

Tim will bring several smartwatches along, so you can try them out for yourself. We also welcome those of you who own a smartwatch to join us and share your views, experiences , tips and recommendations.

Here is a list of smartwatches that will be available to check out: Moto 360, LG G Watch R, Sony Smart Watch 2, Sony Smart Watch 3, ASUS ZenWatch, LG Urbane Smartwatch, Pebble, (hoping to get an Apple Watch and the new Pebble Time).

Who Should Attend?

People of all backgrounds, ages and interests are welcome, however, this Meetup will mostly appeal to people who are "Makers" or "Hackers", entrepreneurs, academics, or those that work for telcos, or OEMs that manufacture, or sell connected devices.

Topics covered by this Meetup group include:

‪#‎IoT‬ ‪#‎Wearables‬ ‪#‎Drones‬ ‪#‎UAVs‬ ‪#‎SmartHome‬ ‪
#‎ConnectedDevices ‬‪#‎SmartCities‬‪#‎BigData‬
‪#‎HardwareHackathon‬‪#‎Tech‬‪#‎Makers‬‪ #‎Hackers‪#‎M2M‬

Social Media

Facebook: | Twitter: @iotedinburgh ‪#‎iotedi

to (Europe/London time)

More details:


More Information

Attending: 1 person.

Reception, workshop and meeting area just at the Colinton Road entrance of Merchiston Campus