Edinburgh Java User Group: Free talk - Pragmatic functional refactoring with java 8

Richard Warburton, author of the O'Reilly Java 8 Lambdas book, will give a free talk at the NCR offices.

Anyone is welcome to attend. No need for tickets. Food will be provided by NCR.

You may be hearing a lot of buzz around functional programming. For example, Java 8 recently introduced new features (lambda expressions and method references) and APIs (Streams, Optional and CompletableFutures) inspired from functional ideas such as first-class functions, composition and immutability.

However, what does this mean for my existing codebase?

In this talk we show how you can refactor your traditional object-oriented Java to using FP features and APIs from Java 8 in a beneficial manner.

We will discuss:

- How to adapt to requirement changes using first-class functions
- How you can enhance code reusability using currying
- How you can make your code more robust by favouring immutability over mutability
- How you can design better APIs and reduce unintended null pointer exceptions using an optional data type

For anyone about to really get their teeth into Java 8, Richard is also running a commercial course earlier in the day -> opentechcalendar.co.uk

to (Europe/London time)

Attending: 1 person.

We're the Edinburgh Java User Group, a group of software engineers, students and interested others.

We promote the adoption and understanding of Java and other JVM languages.

We meet on the last Wednesday of each month at the NCR Offices in Kittle Yards at 7pm. Meetings usually involve a mix of talks and discussions and socialising.