Agile Tech Leaders meet up - 21st March 2024

Join us for Agile Tech Leaders, a place for tech leaders to learn and connect.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from industry peers, share your experiences, and work together to shape the future of tech.

Date: Thursday 21st March, 18:00 to 20:00. Then join us for drinks in the bar below.

Food and drink will be provided. Attendance is free.

1. "What Data Do Users Actually Need And How Do You Show It To Them?"
By Rachel Winter, Lead User Researcher at Nimble

2. "How People, Process, Data and Technology Can Create Positive Societal Impact."
By Daniel Cartter is Director of Innovation at SCC and a Professor of IT Innovation at Aston University.

3. "People At The Heart Of Digital Transformation"
By Stew Norriss, Associate Director of Architecture at Flutter Entertainment


Talk 1:

"What Data Do Users Actually Need And How Do You Show It To Them?"
By Rachel Winter, Lead User Researcher at Nimble

Data is essential in so many people’s roles. Yet with such an abundance of data that might be helpful, how do you identify which data to display, and how do you display it effectively?
With the backdrop of ever increasing data, this talk explores strategies for creating user-centric products that effectively communicate data to be understood and used.

Rachel will discuss, using real examples:
- Different methods to understand how data fits within your users' roles.
- How to find what data they actually need and where to get it from. Starting with the user and not just the data.
- How we can co-design and test data visualisations with users, including people who are less confident interpreting data.
- The ethical implications that need to be considered when presenting data, even when the visualisation has been co-designed with users.

You will come away knowing how to create more inclusive products. Helping users feel more confident using data and more likely to use the product or service you’ve built.

Speaker Bio:

Rachel Winter is a Lead User Research at Nimble, with nearly a decade's experience in research. Rachel has led research for Universities, Local Authorities, NHS, DfE, and the Samaritans. Her research has been published globally through international journals and articles. She specialises in creative and inclusive research methods to build industry leading products and services with users.


Talk 2:

"How People, Process, Data and Technology Can Create Positive Societal Impact."
By Daniel Cartter is Director of Innovation at SCC and a Professor of IT Innovation at Aston University.

As digital innovators, we hold a pivotal role in driving positive change through the strategic integration of people, processes, data, and technology. In this talk, we'll explore tangible examples showcasing the transformative potential of these elements in creating a better society.

1. Spearheading Innovation in Healthcare for Enhanced Patient Outcomes within the NHS.
2. Partnering with Academic Institutions to Address Complex Societal Challenges.
3. Unveiling the Limitless Potential of Data and AI.

Speaker Bio:

Daniel Cartter is Director of Innovation at SCC and a Professor of IT Innovation at Aston University. Having worked in IT for over 20 years, Daniel is an expert and an innovator, with a focus on using technology for good.


Talk 3:

"People At The Heart Of Digital Transformation"
By Stew Norriss, Associate Director of Architecture at Flutter Entertainment

Technology is complex and people are complicated, however people need to be at the heart of any large scale digital transformation. Without this understanding it is more than likely that your transformation will fail or will at the very least be a difficult process. Embracing the transformation of people alongside technology is the key to success and a happier organisation.

- Bringing teams and tribes together for a common goal
- How do you sell a large change to a wide team to make sure they join you on the journey
- Creating digital transformation that works across the company and culture

Speaker Bio:

Stew has been an Architect and led teams for more than 15 years. Spending 6 years in Gaming, with 3 years in Flutter, where has held leadership roles across Data, PAM, Infra & Casino. Inbetween stints he has helped the Data Shed grow and develop from 15 people to over 60 and has continued to help build teams and communities of practice in subsequent roles. When he isn’t working out why things don’t work as expected he can be found in the kitchen or the garden.


This event is aimed at tech leaders and aspiring leaders. Please email if this does not apply to you but you would like to attend.

to (Europe/London time)


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