Agile Sheffield: Sizing, solutionising or hybrid working? [DELETED]

This event has been deleted!

In our quest to help everyone who is interested in agile ways of working we're continually striving to grow, help and support the agile Sheffield community.

We've always found that some of the events that get the best feedback are those when we open up the floor to our members.

So, for July's agile Sheffield thats exactly what we're going to do. We're planning to run a facilitated discussion on one of three topics that we'd like you to vote on.

The topics are:

Does sizing matter?
A facilitated discussion about whether sizing work matters. Looking to cover:

Should we size stories?
Should we break stories into tasks and size them?
How does sizing work help us?
Is it worth sizing our work?
#NoEstimates movement
Does sizing help the team?
Does sizing really help with planning and forecasting?
Best ways to size work? (What has worked for you and why?)
Estimating when scaling? How should that work?
Stop solutionising! - Is this a good message?
A facilitated discussion about whether solutionising is a good or bad thing. Looking to cover:

Should we stop each other from solutionising?
Why is solutionising a problem? Is it?
When can we / should we solutionise?
Is solutionising the same as designing?
How do you get from an idea to a story?
Projects vs products? Service design & systems thinking.
Is hybrid working good or bad?
A facilitated discussion about whether hybrid working is a good or bad thing. Looking to cover:

Does hybrid working work?
Does hybrid working help or hinder teamwork?
How can we be effective individually when we work remotely?
Can we build a good team culture when working in a hybrid way?
Should we plan / coordinate how / what we work on when we work remotely vs when we are on site?
Let us know which one you'd like our group to discuss by letting us know your preference here:

We're looking forward to see which is the hot topic, and seeing you on the 6th July!

We'll be welcoming people from 6pm, food and drinks will be provided and we aim to start the discussion at 6:30pm and aim to finish by 8pm.

For those interested in continuing the chat, socialising or networking, after the event we'll head over to a local pub.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

More Information

I like agile. This group is for all who have an interest in agile - whether you've just heard about it and it's tweaked your interest, or whether you're a seasoned veteran with loads of things to share. This group is to establish an agile community in the Sheffield area to share ideas and experiences, and to learn from one another.


38 Carver St, Sheffield City Centre
S1 4FS