INTERFACE: Art/Technology/Collaboration

Join us at Site Gallery for an exciting evening of talks, screenings and discussion exploring the possibilities of collaboration devised by artists Jan Hopkins and Seiko Kinoshita.

Collaboration between artists and technologists or scientists can lead to a greater appreciation and understanding of the world, as well as new and innovative ways of thinking about and representing it.

This event will showcase a range of projects with potential for future cross-disciplinary collaboration, and will provide an opportunity to hear from participants about their experiences and expectations of working with others, where even the technologies themselves may become partners.

Whether you are an artist, scientist, technologist, or simply curious about the intersection of these fields, this event is for you.


Alex McLean is a live coder, musician, organiser and researcher based in Sheffield, UK. Currently, he is working full time as a research fellow with independent, open access and non-profit lab Then Try This, exploring ‘algorithmic patterns‘.

Shuhei Miyashita is Lecturer in Robotics at the University of Sheffield and will talk about their most recent research: Robot Origami: Robot self-folds, walks, and completes tasks.

Tom Stafford is Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of Sheffield. His research interests are the psychology of decision making, argument, bias and reasoning.

to (Europe/London time)

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