Digital Innovation for Growth: Elevate your business with software innovation

In today’s software enabled world, SMEs have commonly implemented their own home-grown digital solutions, often acting as their proof-of-concepts for new business ideas or to support their business operations. As companies grow, new requirements become more relevant, such as having a software system that can deal with a business’s growing number of clients, or having the opportunity to increase business productivity by better use of digital technologies.

The Applied Software Engineering Research Group (ASERG) has more than 20 years of experience in the ICT industry and offers a range of consultancy services. Through the Digital Innovation for Growth (DIfG) programme, ASERG can provide eligible SMEs within the Sheffield City Region (as well as Chesterfield, N-E Derbyshire, Derbyshire Dales, Bassetlaw and Bolsover) with free, informed academic research and knowledge to help enhance their business.

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