EdLambda: A Clojure DSL for live music programming

Overtone is a music programming & synthesis system based on Clojure, a
modern dialect of Lisp. I'll show how you can use it to create a very
simple DSL for live-coding drum loops. I know little about Clojure or
making music, so I apologise in advance for what you will hear.

David Barbour defined an "insane language" to be one where you can ask the
same question over and over again and get a different answer each time.
Overtone and many other live-coding environments for music rely on the fact
that the Lisp family of languages is utterly mad.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: sites.google.com

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About EdLambda

EdLambda is an Edinburgh group for people interested in functional programming which has been running since September 2010. We meet in the Outhouse pub on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm. There is usually a talk on a subject of interest to functional programmers, followed by chat and drink! EdLambda meetups are free events and everyone is welcome.

The Outhouse pub
12A Broughton Street Lane