Edinburgh Open Source Databases Meetup: First VIRTUAL meetup!

Let's meet each other virtually!

Edinburgh Open Source Database is a group to share knowledge, experience and opinions about open source databases. It will mainly be focused on MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, but we'll also talk about NoSQL databases and new technologies.

This is a first event to introduce us to each other and say hi. We'll discuss what we'd like this group to look like. You are encouraged to propose your ideas and your contributes. You can propose talks, and say which topics you are interested in. And if your company is willing to sponsor am event, let us know!

Next events will probably be live. We're starting with a virtual one so that more people may be able to join.

Meeting info

To join the video meeting:

To join by phone:
+44 20 3956 0185
PIN: 644 769 944#

International phone numbers:

to (Europe/London time)

More details: www.meetup.com

More Information

In-person and virtual events about open source databases, like PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MySQL.