API Hour: The oft-untapped business potential of APIs

Join us in Digital Leaders Week (12-16 October) for APIs Revisited, a series of non-technical online events encouraging you to look again at APIs and the transformative role they could play at your organisation.

Every day, 3pm–4pm will be ‘API Hour’!

//About this talk//

Genuine digital transformation is not possible unless Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are embraced and understood across a whole organisation, rather than just within technical teams.

In this session, Graham Odds, Innovation Director at Scott Logic, will provide a non-technical introduction to APIs and their typical current state in large, longstanding organisations. He’ll also illustrate what good looks so that you are better able to cut through much of the technical obfuscation. Finally, he will explore the variety of potential benefits that APIs done ‘properly’ can bring to your organisation, bringing this to life with real-world success stories.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: bit.ly

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