Digital Meet Manufacturing: Project RAPID - AMRC webinar

The idea of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) can be so intimidating that many companies simply choose to ignore it or put it on the long finger. However, the reality is that if industry doesn’t adopt I4.0 concepts companies will struggle to be globally competitive in manufacturing.

Our Rate Assembly Process Information Demonstrator (project RAPID) aims to de-risk I4.0 implementations by incorporating as many I4.0 technologies and concepts as possible, while still having a realistic budget.

Through this webinar we will introduce project RAPID and its drivers and give a demonstration on how it works and the I4.0 technologies it showcases.

The key part of this webinar is not just to show what worked well, but also some of the implementation challenges we faced and where we had to compromise.

The webinar will conclude with a discussion based Q&A where you can interrogate the reality of an I4.0 implementation.

Key areas:

-Interoperability of robots and hardware components
-AI algorithms and data analytics on the shop floor
-Mass customisation
-Software integration with manufacturing equipment

to (Europe/London time)

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Attending: 1 person.

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