Edinburgh Data Visualization: The Impact of Technology on Info Graphics & Data Vis in News, Isabel Meirelles

The 4th of our summer talks, by Isabel Meirelles, Ontario College of Art and Design University.

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This talk will be 30min, followed by 30min for questions and discussion.

Wed , July 22nd , 6:00 pm

**Abstract:** Each new technology affects the way we communicate information: from how we gather, sort, produce and design, to how we reproduce, disseminate and receive the news. In this talk, I will discuss the impact of technology on the use and creation of infographics and data visualizations in newspapers. I will focus on the past 20 years of online journalism by examining medal recipients of the Malofiej International Infographics Awards since its 8th edition in 2000, when it started accepting Online infographics. I will critically look at two levels of design creation: the individual level of the visualization, and the contextual level of the narrative structure. The goal is to reflect on the extent to which technologies of both production and readership have fostered (or hindered) new design strategies in data storytelling over time.

**Bio:** Isabel Meirelles is an information designer and educator whose intellectual curiosity lies in the relationships between visual thinking and visual representation. She is a professor in the faculty of design at OCAD University, Toronto. Previously, she was at Northeastern University, Boston (2003–2014). Her research focuses on the theoretical and experimental examination of the fundamentals underlying how information is structured, represented, and communicated in different media. Meirelles frequently teams up with colleagues on interdisciplinary projects involving visualization of information, and she has organized numerous conferences, initiatives, and exhibitions on the topic. In addition to writing widely on the role of data visualization in society, culture, and education, Meirelles is the author of Design for Information: An introduction to the histories, theories, and best practices behind effective information visualizations (Rockport, 2013).

**Web:** www2.ocadu.ca


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