Edinburgh Data Visualization: Edinburgh DataVis Meetup Summer talks

Hi All,

I hope you are all doing well during these times. We are back with some exciting talks, scheduled talks over the next weeks—taking advantage of the online world to invite speakers from far away! Talks will be held online and details can be found here:


We will create individual meetups for each new talk and update information we obtain them.

All talks will happen here and the room will open 10min prior to the scheduled time. eu.bbcollab.com

As usual, all talks are open to everyone and we plan for 30min talk and 30min Q&A.

We start on Tuesday (tomorrow!!), July, 7 at 3:30 pm with Dr. Cagatay Turkay from the University of Warwick on Facilitating Well-Informed Data Science through Interactive Visual Analysis.

Looking forward to seeing you all!


**Title:** Facilitating Well-Informed Data Science through Interactive Visual Analysis

**Abstract:** In this talk, I will talk about how interactive visualisations that are coupled tightly with algorithms offer effective methods in conducting data science in rigorous and critical ways. Such methods not only enhance the insights drawn but also support better-informed decisions made based on the outcomes. We will discuss how visualisation can facilitate such practices and will look at examples of research on how data can be transformed and visualised creatively in multiple perspectives, on how comparisons can be made within different models, parameters, and within local and global solutions, and on how interaction is an enabler for such processes.

**Bio:** Cagatay Turkay is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, UK. His research investigates the interactions between data, algorithms and people, and explores the role of interactive visualisation and other interaction mediums such as natural language at this intersection. He designs techniques and algorithms that are sensitive to their users in various decision-making scenarios involving primarily high-dimensional and spatio-temporal phenomena, and develops methods to study how people work interactively with data and computed artifacts.

Web: warwick.ac.uk

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

We don't know any more about Edinburgh Data Visualization.