This month at Lean Agile Glasgow, we're delighted to welcome an excellent speaker all the way from Arizona. She's spoken at just about every Agile conference we can think of, on a wide range of subjects from Wardley Mapping, to VAX mainframes, to epistemic injustice.
Talk Title: Hot Takes on Digital Transformation
Abstract: Technology has finally caught up to the way humans like to conduct business. Up until quite recently, technology-based business models were primarily oriented around transactions, but as our technical abilities have matured, especially in the way we move and use data, we are able to enact technology-enabled, relationship-based business models.
However, the relationships facilitated by these technology businesses are not like the relationships underscoring traditional businesses like the ancient pub on the corner by your house. Through the use of technology, these relationships have largely shed the constraint of physical proximity. Information is unleashed, and this also leads to a rapid acceleration in the heartbeat of these relationships. These technology-enabled relationships are unlike any relationships in the history of humanity.
What does this mean? What are our responsibilities as the crafters of this new relationship infrastructure?
The Agile Manifesto encourages us to be mindful of the human creating the software, but what about the human effects of that software? What if it’s time to consider the consequences of “satisfy[ing] customers” and “competitive advantage”?
Bio: Cat has experience applying Agile and lean principles in a variety of settings: from startups to large enterprises, warehouses to web, etc. She is passionate about increasing diversity in tech. In her leisure time, Cat enjoys making jokes about Bitcoin, hiking, and reading feminist literature.
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Time: Sep 9, 2020 06:00 PM London
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Monthly meetup group which uses lean coffee meeting format to discuss all things Lean Agile.