Covid 19 means big changes to the world as it was. It goes without saying that city’s that adapt faster will prosper relatively in the new world. Knowledge industries are one slice of the economy which ought to do relatively well in the new world.

Dundee has an interesting mash up of world leading knowledge industries and is ideally positioned to accelerate their growth.

Join a worldly bunch of technologists, investors to discuss how the future may look and what cities and businesses ought to be thinking about for the future.

Scottish Business Resilience Centre – In partnership with Dundee’s Abertay University – will discuss growth in digital security skills and how that form a high value cluster in Dundee.

Chris Neumann – Silicon Valley VC – will discuss how he sees Covid 19 shaping up the tech industry in the valley, and winners and losers in that. Chris will also talk about how you might be able to access Valley investment dollars and expertise without going on a plane to the US.

David Farquhar will discuss his own experience of raising US VC money for a Dundee based operation and will reflect on his personal and professional learnings, providing invaluable advice and tips on how ambitious local businesses can follow in his footsteps. David will also talk about how food security will be massive issue in the new world.

Chris Martin – of Dundee’s Waracle – The UK’s biggest mobile app developer – will fire up his crystal ball and have a stab at what the future means for some sectors and how that could affect industries in the Tay City region …. (Note, this is pure crystal ball stuff and all opinions/arguments will be welcome).

Alistair Forbes – is no stranger to the city of Dundee, and is currently leading the Scottish Tech Army on a mission to use furloughed tech staff to do urgent digital projects for the Scottish Government. Alistair will talk about how other cities have fostered their tech scene, and all the pieces that need to move together to make it function.

This event is ideally suited for:

Senior Technology Executives who want to build a bigger and better tech scene.
Economic Development who want to know what other cities have done to punch above their weight in tech.
Corporate Finance who want to hear about options to connect into the valley.
Investors who may want to build a Scottish based fund/tech execs network.
Educators – who want to know what the tech scene needs to be globally ambitious.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: waracle.com

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