Techie Brekkie Edinburgh: Techie Brekkie #6 / What's UX Research all about, huh? / Andy Irvine

We all agree that it's important to understand our users, but User Research is the murkiest component of a product team. I'll de-murk the dark art of User Research by exploring:

- Why everyone should care about their users
- What UX Research is
- How UX Research fits together with everyone else

Andy is UX Team Lead at FreeAgent, one of the UK's largest, and most popular, online accounting software providers. Andy helps the FreeAgent team understand customers and ensures the right things are made, and the right things are right. Right?

Prior to FreeAgent, Andy was Head of UX at Blonde, helping guide organisations like Royal Mail, 2014 Commonwealth Games, ScotRail and IRN-BRU through the choppy waters of creating great experiences for their customers. A self taught UXer, he's worked in digital since the heady days of 1999.

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