► Agenda 📅
🍕 6:00pm - 7:00pm: Pizza, beer/wine/water and networking
🎤 7:00pm - 8:00pm: Extreme 3D (Holo)Graphic Processing with Node.js by Javid Khan
🍻 Drinks - Lebowskis Pub - www.lebowskis.co.uk
► Venue security 👮
All attendees need to provide their full names in advance. Also, you will need to bring some form of photo ID to show on the day - something like a passport, driving licence, or work ID would be grand.
► Recording 🎥
The event will be recorded. Let the organisers know, if you don't want to be included in the pictures or videos. Some of them will be used on our social media channels.
► Sponsors
Lloyds Bank
biggles at large
► The Talks 🎤
👉Talk 1: Extreme 3D (Holo)Graphic Processing with Node.js
We will present Holoxica's flagship Holoviewer technology built using fully open source NodeJs tools and frameworks including NWJS/NodeWebkit and ThreeJS/WebGL.
When most people think of 3D graphics or animation frameworks, they tend to go for well-known gaming frameworks like Unity or Unreal Engine. Although these are proprietary and free to use for smaller projects, they are not open and require licenses for commercial use. Scripting languages like python and NodeJs are not normally associated with high performance graphics processing. NWJS (aka NodeWebKit) is a framework bundling Chromium, NodeJS and an embedded V8 compiler for near-native performance. It is aimed at making apps using web technologies including HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL. ThreeJS is one of the best open source 3D graphics framework built on WebGL. We show that industrial strength apps can be built with these open frameworks, with all the advantages afforded by Node. This includes fast turnaround for rapid prototyping to build MVPs. A particular bonus is cross-platform compatibility (across Windows, Mac & Linux) with source protection via the NWJC compiler for native binaries. Holoviewer is high performance with millions of polygons rendered at 60 fps with 45 views per frame (up to 2700 renders per second). We will demonstrate our graphics app running on the latest Looking Glass 3D light field display; as well as digital holograms that were generated using Holoviewer.
About Holoxica:
Our vision is to “Solve 3D”. Holoxica is a tech company specialising in disruptive holographic 3D solutions from motion video displays to static images. Our tech does not need any head gear where 3D images appear in mid-air, viewable naturally, just like "Star Wars". We have an experienced team delivering on extreme hardware, software and 3D graphics projects. We offer 3D light-field displays capable of showing colour motion video, as well as static digital holograms. We can convert any kind of 3D digital data into a hologram. Our technology is positioned beyond current AR/VR and can be a direct replacement for this. The main uses are in professional applications are in medical imaging, scientific data visualisation, engineering design, architecture and construction.
Short Bio:
Dr. Javid Khan – Founder and Managing Director, Holoxica Limited
Pioneer in holographic 3D technologies for medical, scientific, industrial and commercial applications. Entrepreneur, founder and director of Holoxica Ltd, a high tech company working on holographic 3D visualisation including digital holograms and holographic video displays. Javid founded Holoxica in 2008 to commercialise the results of his research in Photonics Engineering on Holographic 3D displays at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. Javid holds an Engineering doctorate in Photonics Engineering on Holographic 3D displays, MEng in Microelectronics/Computing, MSc in Telecoms Engineering; and an MBA in Entrepreneurship.
Web: www.holoxica.com
Twitter: @holoxica
LinkedIn: linkedin.com
More details and tickets: www.meetup.com
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