dotnet York: January Lightning Talks

Following our continued success of the lightning talks, we are hosting another round! We will be having 6 speakers doing a 10-15 minute lightning talks, if you would like to get involved please message me on meetup or twitter.

A lightning talk is a very short presentation lasting only a few minutes, given at a conference or a similar forum. Several lightning talks will usually be delivered by different speakers in a single session, sometimes called a data blitz.


We'll have a fairly relaxed agenda, but will follow:
- 🍕 Pizza
- 👋 Introduction / Housekeeping
- 🗣️ Round table introductions
- ⚡ Lightning Talks
- 🎉 Closing
- 🍻 Social

👩‍🏫 Sessions
- Creating random numbers with C# (David Betteridge)
- Feature Management in .NET (Kevin Smith)
- Azure Pipelines (Simon Foster)
- Simple Animations in Xamarin (Craig Pickles)
- Umbraco Evolution (Andy Neil)
- PlantUML (Jon Morley-Jones)

to (Europe/London time)

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About dotnet York

dotnet York is a .NET user group looking to focus on .NET and anything related to .NET ecosystem. We encourage developers of any skill level to come join in on our events to either learn or share.