dotnet York: NUnit vs xUnit ⚔️🛡️

Battle of the test frameworks! ⚔️🛡️

We'll have a fairly relaxed agenda, but will follow:
- 👋 Introduction / Housekeeping
- 🗣️ Round table introductions
- 👨‍🏫 Battle of the test frameworks ⚔️🛡️ with Kevin Smith
- 🎉 Closing
- 🍻 Social

👉 **Battle of the test frameworks ⚔️🛡️**

This is intended for people who want to learn how to write automated tests in .NET using C#.

In this session we will break up into two teams, each team will be given a test framework to use (either xUnit or NUnit). your team will have to implement some basic logic in C# driving it with tests. At the end of the session, we'll gather back together to demo how our code differs.

All you need is a laptop. (Windows, Linux or iOS - any operating system is fine)

We will have food and drink to keep you going!

to (Europe/London time)

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About dotnet York

dotnet York is a .NET user group looking to focus on .NET and anything related to .NET ecosystem. We encourage developers of any skill level to come join in on our events to either learn or share.