Scottish Developers: Julie Lerman: Building Cross-Platform Server-Side Data APIs

Building Cross-Platform Server-Side Data APIs

Front ends are cool but mostly useless without data. Sure, some of your data sources provide REST APIs so you can just write queries directly against them but that is so old school. Instead, you can build back end APIs that address the specific data needs of your web application and relieve front end devs from tangling with database schema, query syntax and other distractions. In this session you’ll learn the basics of creating a back end API as well as some smart architectural guidance to make moving data between your front end and your data store. We'll start with an ASP.NET Core Web API, EF Core and a relational database, then look at a data API built with Azure Functions to support a Cosmos DB document database.

About Julie

Julie Lerman is a Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft MVP (since 2003), software coach and consultant. You can find Julie presenting at conferences around the world on Entity Framework, Domain Driven Design and whatever other technologies catch her eye. Julie blogs at, is the author of the highly acclaimed “Programming Entity Framework” books, the MSDN Magazine Data Points column and popular videos on

We have partnered with Experis and are pleased to have them support Julie Lerman's mini-tour of Scotland.

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Scottish Developers is a user group and community conference run by DeveloperWise. It runs a mix of free and paid for evening user group sessions, workshops, and conferences.