edPUG - Edinburgh PHP User Group: Join us for Lean Coffee and Open Surgery in our new venue [DELETED]

This event has been deleted!

We are very exited to announce one of our new sponsors - People's Postcode Lottery, who are letting us use their office to host the meetup and will also provide refreshments. Thank you very much!

For the first meetup in their offices, we're going to try something new.

1) We'll start the meetup with a Lean Coffee discussion -leancoffee.org

Using post-it notes, everyone suggests topics of discussion and the ones with the most votes are discussed first.

2) Open Surgery

Since we plan to have more practical sessions in the future, we though we'd include an informal open surgery to get into the swing of things. Bring your laptop or get your repository up on the telly and the group can help address any problems or suggest improvements and alternatives.

3) The Pub!

Everyone is welcome, new faces and old!

Please RSVP if you intend to come - we'd like to make sure there are enough refreshments for you all!

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets: www.meetup.com

Imported From: www.meetup.com

More Information

Attending: jarofgreen

Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month for small talks, watching talks/slideshows and discussing.

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