EdLambda: McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity equation, the surprising implications for code reuse, and the road ahead for (all) computer languages.

Speaker: Philip Morant
When: 9th July, 7pm. Outhouse pub.
Title: McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity equation, the surprising
implications for code reuse, and the road ahead for (all) computer

McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity equation is introduced and the
necessary background in Control Flow Graphs presented. Consideration
of the equation shows that code reuse increases cyclomatic complexity.
'Critical Nodes' are defined and discussed. A refactoring technique
for reducing cyclomatic complexity without loss of reuse is shown.
Some common assumptions about code reuse are examined. Possibilities
for adapting computer languages are discussed.

The Outhouse
12A Broughton Street Lane

to (Europe/London time)

More details: sites.google.com

More Information

Attending: 1 person.

About EdLambda

EdLambda is an Edinburgh group for people interested in functional programming which has been running since September 2010. We meet in the Outhouse pub on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm. There is usually a talk on a subject of interest to functional programmers, followed by chat and drink! EdLambda meetups are free events and everyone is welcome.