Docker Glasgow: Episode 11.

As usual - ensure you arrive before 1830, or entry cannot be guaranteed.


1800 - Pizza, Beer, Chat

1830 - by Anthony Lapenna (@Tony_Lapenna)

1930 - One for the road is a software company based in Auckland, New Zealand. It offers a user interface for Docker called Portainer. This UI was born after the feeling that there was a need for IT infrastructure technicians, having no or a poor knowledge with Docker, to have a tool helping them use Docker. This is Portainer motto: keep it simple. As simple to use as it is to deploy, it allows you to manage Docker standalone hosts, Docker Swarm standalone clusters as well as Docker clusters using Swarmkit (Swarm mode). It is available on Linux, Windows & Mac. The talk will present and the software, it will also include a quick comparison with the existing solutions (Rancher, Shipyard...) and a feature analysis. It will end with a live demo of the software.

to (Europe/London time)

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A Docker meetup for people using or interested in learning more about Docker