Leigh Hackspace: Xmas RaspbUino Jam

Raspberry Pis are small, cheap single board computers that can run a full Linux Desktop, and can be used for games, productivity, electronics and almost anything else you can do on a computer! The latest ones cost just £35 and have WiFi and Bluetooth built in - the possibilities are endless!

Arduinos are even cheaper (just £5), smaller, single board microcontrollers that can be used to create simple automatic functions, controlling lights, making toys, games, and wearable electronics, again with limitless possibilities.
We usually run a Raspberry Pi workshop (a Raspberry Jam') and an Arduino Day separately, every couple of months. For a bit of a change this month, we thought we'd bring them together for a Xmas-flavoured RaspbUino Jam.
Everyone can join in - novices and experts alike - we will have beginner tutorials for both Arduino and Raspberry Pi, AND we'll have Raspberry Pi and Arduino nerds showing off the cool stuff they've made. We're family friendly so kids can come (with their adult!)

For Arduino work PLEASE bring your own computer as we only have a small number of 'loaner' machines available.
You can come along to watch, or you can buy everything you need to get involved from us on the day. Kits will be available for both Raspberry Pi and Arduino, and if you want to make absolutely sure you're not disappointed, you can pre-pay for your kit by selecting a Raspberry Pi Ticket or an Arduino Ticket (or both!)
Ticket price includes a full lunch and free coffee, tea and juice all day.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: www.leighhack.org

Tickets: www.eventbrite.co.uk

More Information

Leigh Hackspace is a maker community and makerspace open to all creatives, programmers and hackers in the North West.

Leigh Hackspace is an inclusive shared social and work space for makers, artists, creators, ‘hackers’, crafters, designers, fixers, geeks and nerds from Leigh and the entire surrounding area. Whatever creative or making thing you do – or want to learn how to do – you can do it at Leigh Hackspace.

Unit F1, The Cotton Mill, Mather Lane, Leigh, Lancashire