Internet of Things Scotland Meetup (IOT-SCT): IOT//EDI (IoT + Data Decentralisation)


This event will be held at the offices of DLA Piper. Further details about the company and directions to the venue can be found on their website.

There are already far more machines than people connected to the Internet. Tomorrow the number of connected devices will grow exponentially, and a new kind of web will emerge dominated by data sent and received by machines instead of humans. Today's Internet of Things is made up of connected devices that are primarily controlled by humans via smartphone apps, however, "Web 3.0" aka the "Machine Web" will become dominated by machines that communicate autonomously with other machines. This network of intelligent devices will becoming increasingly decentralised and will follow a general trend where data is spread across many disparate nodes, instead of stored centrally on a single type of dedicated hardware.

An exemplar of a decentralisation autonomous network is BitCoin, which is a cryptocurrency, that uses a peer-to-peer system. Transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary, and each transaction is verified by a network of nodes that contain a public distributed ledger called the blockchain.

BitCoin is just the tip of a vast and highly disruptive ice berg. Many other decentralisation autonomous networks are starting to emerge including decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) that are run by computer programs called smart contracts instead of human executives. As no single entity is in control, and all shareholders are completely anonymous, attempting to enforce laws under any given geographic jurisdiction will be very challenging!


18:15 - 18:20 WELCOME

18:20 - 18:30 Simon Montford (WEB3//IOT)

Open Forum; members are invited to make announcements, share news, seek project collaborators, recruit talent, promote their IoT events, and request topics for future Meetups.

18.30 - 18.50 Nick Lambert (MAIDSafe)

Over 3.6 billion records were stolen between 2014 and 2015, which clearly indicates that the way data is stored today requires a new approach. Not only is data that is centrally stored vulnerable to attack, but storing data in this way is expensive, because the greater the protection, the higher the operating cost. This is why companies and individuals end up spending billions every year on the infrastructure that serves our applications and that processes our data. A new breed of startups are using a different approach to the way data is stored. By tapping the unused potential of billions of connected devices it is now possible to move our data management away from large companies and their data centres. This talk will discuss how harnessing the power of the crowd will impact almost every aspect of our future daily lives including the IoT, and our relationship with the Internet in general.

18:50 - 19:10 John McKinlay (DLA Piper)

Further details will be added shortly.

19:10 - 19:30 TBC

Further details will be added shortly.

19:30 - 19:50 DISCUSSION & PANEL Q&A

19:50 - 21:00 NETWORKING & DRINKS

To receive IoT news, meet and interact with other IOT//EDI members, and keep the conversation going online before and after each Meetup, please join us on social media:


Twitter: Hashtag: #iotedi


Submit a guest blog or speak at IOT//EDI:
Receive update via email:


Simon Montford:
Emma MacLean: Linkedin/EmmaMaclean
Dr Tim Willis: Linkedin/TimWillis
Allan Lloyds: Linkedin/AllanLloyds
Michelle Caulfield: Linkedin/MichelleCaulfield

Code of Conduct:
Be nice.

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

More Information

Internet of Things Scotland Meetup (IOT-SCT) group ( is open to software professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, enthusiasts, makers/hobbyists, and early-adopters. Topics covered include: M2M, Artificial Intelligence, Drones (UAVs), Self-Driving Vehicles, Machine Vision, Wearables (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Fitness Trackers, Smartwatches), Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Industrial Asset Control & Monitoring, Smart Home, Smart City, Big Data, Robotics, Machine Learning, Autonomous Transport, Maker/Hacker products (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison) etc.

IoT will transform the way we live and work. Connected sensors embedded within all kinds of objects will make the world around us smarter, safer, and more energy efficient. The IoT revolution is happening now, so join us!

Please find us online at Twitter: @iotsct #iotsct | FB: | Web: