UX Glasgow

An informal monthly discussion group that discusses all aspects of user experience.

to (Europe/London time)

Attending: neilscott and 1 other.

About UX Glasgow

UX Glasgow is valuable for anyone who wants to start or increase usage of user experience techniques in their projects.

UX design is about the need to understand the motivations, behaviours and tasks of you audience users will perform and align your research, design and development strategy to support them.

The nuts and bolts of experience design happens through a process of user research, synthesis and reporting. Research activities can include user interviews, domain research, stakeholder meetings, competitive analysis', usability tests, etc. The synthesis happens when you take your user research and combine it with project objectives. You discover where they match, where they deviate and most importantly, why. Your synthesis is output into guiding deliverables such as mental models, functional specifications, wireframes, personas, storyboards, etc.

It's this process and the resulting deliverables that allow your and your team to spend your time discussing building the things that that really matter to your users. You'll desire this if you've ever found yourself arguing over the layout of a screen or the taxonomy of a navigation system. Impartial deliverables based on user research allow you to question the synthesis of the research rather than the competence, or sanity, of your colleagues and clients opinions.

Knowledge of these processes, including their advantages and caveats, is essential for members of any team that wishes to build a successful website, application or digital strategy.

You'll find some interest in the UX book club if your job title happens to be… Web designer, web developer, information architect, service designer, project manager, creative director, digital director, software developer, interface designer, copywriter, digital strategist, SEO, Usability consultant, computer science student, design student, marketing manager.. You get the idea.