Mobile Monday Edinburgh: Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Challenges in mHealth and Wearables

While out at MWC in Barcelona this year I attended a session at 4YFN entitled "The future of Health is Wearables & vice versa” where we were treated to an inspiring discussion around the possibilities for making huge advances in healthcare using wearables and mobile technology in general, but also emphasising the difficulties posed by the entrenched business models in that sector.

The topic seemed an ideal candidate for MoMoEdi’s next "Entrepreneurial Opportunities” event to explore all the special ups and downs provided by working in this particular space and engaging with the public sector etc, and be inspired about the opportunities for mobile and wearable businesses in healthcare, but educated about the challenges. Once again we are delighted to be hosted by the Entrepreneurship Club at the Business School.

We are delighted to have Christopher McCann from snap40 and Dave Romilly from Waracle giving their distinctive viewpoints based on their direct experience of working in the healthcare sector.

to (Europe/London time)

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An irregular get-together of folks interested in mobile devices and services in the widest sense.