Edinburgh Go Group: Go programming Dojo

Thanks to the generosity of LogicNow we have a venue for Go Group events. We are running every month with, mostly, a programming dojo and sometimes a talk.

There will be beer, soft drinks and pizza provided.

Your level of Go knowledge is irrelevant as the dojo is about learning, not showing off.

A dojo consists of small groups of people, usually about 3, solving a simple, and hopefully entertaining, problem. At the end of the allotted time each group presents their solution.

We now have a Google+ page at plus.google.com where you can make comments and suggestions.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: plus.google.com

More Information

Attending: 1 person.

A group for Go developers, or those interested in Go, who want to meet other similar souls or want to learn from others or have Go problems fixed. Our first meet is in Revolution in Chambers Street on Thursday 3rd July from 6:30. We are in the roped off area on the right as you enter the main pub room.

In future we aim to have talks.

LogicNow's Edinburgh office. It is behind the Sheraton Hotel on Lothian Road.