Developer Hangouts: January Developer's Hangout : The Next Generation (education)

Let's step further back. We've discussed recruitment last month, so this month, let's talk about education. What should we, as people who live and breathe software development, do to encourage the next generation?

Is it up to schools, or is there something else we should be doing? Volunteering at the Maker's Fayre? Or is everything just peachy the way things are, with programming an ever more expensive hobby, ever more divorced from using a real machine?

Is the Raspberry Pi a good move for teaching, bringing back the BBC Micro and the 8-bit days or is it irrelevant in the modern world of touchscreens and consumer technology?

to (Europe/London time)

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Attending: craignicol

A Google+ Hangout for developers in Scotland and beyond to discuss whatever they want. Suggestions for topics welcome. Last Thursday of every month.