Product Tank Edinburgh: Amazon Storyteller – Disrupting Hollywood from Edinburgh

Amazon Storyteller – Disrupting Hollywood from Amazon’s Development Centre in Scotland

Graeme Smith and Archie Binnie will talk about product management at Amazon’s Development Centre in Scotland. They will use the example of Amazon Storyteller, a web application for Amazon Studios that makes it easy for anyone to create a storyboard from their movie/TV script.

Event schedule
18.30 - Doors open, food and drink and mingling
19.00 - Event begins
Note: please arrive by 19.00 or there may not be anyone to let you in!
21.00 - Head to the pub!

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

More Information

Attending: CoCreator

Product Tank Edinburgh (#ProductTankEdi) is a bi-monthly meetup that deep dives into product design, development, management & marketing. Join us on the last Thursday of every second month at CodeBase.

Our events are FREE & feature guest talks on designing and building great web and mobile products, including topics such as design, agile processes, business models, using metrics, user experience, and more. We also always build in time for networking, and a good old-fashioned chin-wag over a beverage or a slice of pizza!

Our events are public, but we ask everyone to provide a little information about themselves when they register so that we can build a good community. There are also a number of ways to engage with our community: You can see videos of the speakers on Vimeo, photos of the events & attendees on Facebook & join in the conversation on Twitter. Product Tank Edinburgh is also part of the larger Product Tank network.

Product Tank Edinburgh is sponsored by Cultivate, Barclays Eagle Labs & CodeBase.

Quartermile One 15 Lauriston Place Edinburgh