Edinburgh Java User Group: Java User Group Scotland Meeting

Our second meeting of 2014 will be presented by Henry Coles on Mutation Testing using pitest.org. This event is being kindly hosted and sponsored by NCR and it will take place in their Edinburgh office.

Please register at ukjugs-mutation-testing.eventbrite.com for a free ticket so we know how many people to expect.

See you there!

to (Europe/London time)

More details: ukjugs-mutation-testing.eventbrite.com

More Information

Attending: 1 person.

We're the Edinburgh Java User Group, a group of software engineers, students and interested others.

We promote the adoption and understanding of Java and other JVM languages.

We meet on the last Wednesday of each month at the NCR Offices in Kittle Yards at 7pm. Meetings usually involve a mix of talks and discussions and socialising.