EdLambda meetup: Title: CRDTs and LVars

Where: Outhouse Pub @ 7pm
Who: Miles Gould
Title: CRDTs and LVars

The CAP theorem for distributed databases ("consistent, available,
partition-tolerant: pick two") and the growth of Big Data have led to a
renewed interest in relaxed standards of consistency for distributed
data. For many applications it's enough to guarantee eventual
consistency between nodes, but designing protocols to ensure this has
proved tricky and error-prone. A neat approach is to build eventual
consistency guarantees into the datatypes themselves using ideas from
the theory of semilattices: this leads to so-called Convergent
Replicated Data Types (CRDTs). These turn out to be closely related to
the notion of LVars, studied by Kuper et al in the context of concurrent
shared-memory Haskell programs.

to (Europe/London time)

More details: sites.google.com

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About EdLambda

EdLambda is an Edinburgh group for people interested in functional programming which has been running since September 2010. We meet in the Outhouse pub on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm. There is usually a talk on a subject of interest to functional programmers, followed by chat and drink! EdLambda meetups are free events and everyone is welcome.

The Outhouse pub
12A Broughton Street Lane