Thames Valley Web Developers: Designing for the Multi-Device Web + Practical Responsive Images

Multi-Device Interactions with the Web - Ben Foxall
where several devices are part of the same web interaction…

We think of people accessing a single device. But what if they could move seamlessly across devices, using the special characteristics of each?

Part demo, part talk, part interactive session, Ben Foxall takes us into a realm of possibilities to push past the constraints of a single browser app.

Practical Responsive Images - Ben Seymour
Images have just become responsive, thanks to changes in browser technologies. Recent progress with the <picture> element and srcset attribute means that this major constraint in a fundamental aspect of modern web development is being overcome. Coupled with a capable Dynamic Imaging System, we are close to making Responsive Images a truly Practical prospect.

Ben will show you how to do it and what benefits and approaches you can look forward to taking advantage of now, and in the near future.

ZeroDegrees, Bridge St Reading RG1 2LR

to (Europe/London time)

More details and tickets:

More Information

Software is eating the world - and we're hungry! Thames Valley Web Developers meets every first Wednesday in a micro-brewery/pizza restaurant in Reading to hear talks, do stuff and have fun.
Coder or creative, if you're involved on the web, you should come along.
Join our Meetup Group or on Google+